
Bloomberg American Health Initiative

Centro SOL has become part of the Bloomberg American Health Initiative as our program coordinator Monica Guerrero Vazquez is one of the eight fellows to earn a master of public health at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. The fellowship program represents an innovative way to train the next generation of public health leaders, as it requires not only a commitment to public health practice from the students, but also a commitment of collaboration from the organizations for which they already work. Monica will be collaborating with Centro SOL in her new role and will return after graduation in summer 2018 to continue her work more focused on public health practice.

Centro SOL new program coordinator

Sarahi Castro Juarez

I was born and raised in Idaho and I come from a Mexican and Spaniard heritage. My educational background includes a Bachelor of Science in psychology. I moved to Baltimore two years ago with my fiancé as he is attending medical school here. My passions include working in education and research to advance equity and social justice. While growing up, I watched how my parents struggled with language barriers as well as with not knowing what resources were available to them, and that has really inspired me to work with the Latino community. For fun, I enjoy doing anything outdoors, filming, and photography.

Fun Fact: I attended a school in Mexico for about a year when I was 6 years old and remember feeling so out of place since things were done very differently there from the schools in the US – it was a great learning experience.

To contact Sarahi email her at or call her at Centro SOL 410-550-1129.

Summer Programming

Centro SOL Summer Scholars Program

Centro SOL Summer Scholars Program for the fourth consecuive year hosted outstanding young students. Johns Hopkins International, Johns Hopkins Bayview, Johns Hopkins Medicine, and Johns Hopkins Unviersity hosted students this summer 2017. On behalf of our team at Centro SOL, thank you! Read about this program on

 our website


Teen Testimonios Summer Program

Centro SOL hosted the second annual Teen Testimonios summer program, sponsored by the Blaustein Foundation, offering engaging activities to newly arrived kids middle and high-school-ages. Read more about the program on 

our website


Summer camps: soccer and reading

During summer 2017 we have incorporated two camps to provide Latino families with resources and entertainment for the children:


: taking place during Embajadores de Salud to promote physical activity and team building among children, while their parents exercise.


: to stregthen bonds and facilitate communication among LEP parents and their children while reducing the language barrier in the families through reading. This activity was funded by the Fund for Educational Excellence.

Check out our social media for images and videos Chequea nuestras redes sociales por más imágenes y videos #jhcentrosol

Community Programming/Programación para la comunidad

Wellness, mental health, and well-being

Centro SOL runs two wellness and physical activity programs to promote healthier lifestyles. Both programs are conducted in community sites, and are open to any family. Educational conversations, exercises, and child supervision are offered. Three programs you or your patients can benefit from:

  • Embajadores de Salud (Health Ambassadors) prevent cardiovascular disease, meet your community and have fun. Meetings every Saturday 9am in the Patterson Park area, different locations.

  • Testimonios (mental health support group) sessions for women (1st and 3rd Tuesdays, 5:30pm) and ment (2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 5:30pm) at Gallery Church 3115 Eastern Ave. Sessions are facilitated by mental health therapists and social workers, entirely in Spanish. Dinner and homework support for children is provided.

All programs are free for participants and offer child supervision. Visit our website to learn more

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