Mental Health Programs

The Centro SOL Summer Scholars Program is a five-week long program open to bilingual high school students. The purpose of the program is to expose the students to the healthcare field and provide them with meaningful opportunities for growth and professional development.


  • Applicants must be enrolled in a public high school in Baltimore city or Baltimore county,

  • Applicants must be between 14-17 years old when applying, and must be bilingual in Spanish and English.

  • Students must be fluent in Spanish and English (this will be assessed through written essays in the application process and in the interview)


The application contains a page of instructions that includes additional forms to be completed by teachers and a parent.

To be considered for the program, students must submit all of the following:

  • Application

  • 2 School Letters of Recommendation (from teachers)

  • One essay in English

  • One essay in Spanish

  • Parent consent form.

Note: Students in college may still complete the application; however, they may be referred to other summer programs.


We encourage all applicants to view and read over all questions before beginning the application.

Alentamos a todos los solicitantes a ver y leer todas las preguntas antes de comenzar la solicitud.

If you have any questions, please send an email to

Join us this summer! (2).png


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