Recursos en la Comunidad

Centro SOL has developed a resources guide where you will find health-related resources that are available to the Latino community in Baltimore city. We hope this resource guide serves you and your community.
Centro SOL ha desarrollado una guía de recursos donde encontrará recursos relacionados con la salud que están disponibles para la comunidad latina en la ciudad de Baltimore.
Volunteer for the Latino Community with Centro SOL

Los recursos para Usted:


If you want your services or support to be listed in our resources page contact us. The Latino Community needs your help.

Get involved

Esta página es informativa y ha sido preparada para proporcionarle información sobre recursos locales. Centro SOL no se hace responsable del incorrecto funcionamiento de las referencias o de la calidad del servicio recibido.

This page is informative and has been prepared to provide you with information on local resources. Centro SOL is not responsible for the incorrect functioning of the references or the quality of the service received.